The Quick Guide to Getting Fit and Healthy this January

Agh January! Queue the diets, budget gyms, weightloss adverts or New Year resolutuions. Its very easy to feel flabby and unfit. But here are some no BS ways to start your January right.

First things first, the elephant in the room, diet. Step away from the box of celebrations you’ve been munching since Christmas Day. You can’t out train a bad diet so give yourself a fighting chance. Start by making a food plan either for the week or a few days at a time. Knowing what you are going to eat eliminates the default mode of takeaway. By having a healthy plan and food shop done, you can pack filling and nutritious lunches for work.

Make your own meals and avoid processed foods as much as possible. By substituting homemade with store bought foods you can control the sugar and salt content plus you avoid any additional nasties like artificial colours or preservatives.

There is a lot of confusion surrounding weight loss and breakfast. Is it essential? Should you be fasting? In my opinion it’s about mindset, a good breakfast sets you up for the day. It means you are productive and focused in work, you avoid the pastry tray at 10am and maybe again at 3pm and most importantly you make that gym session, class or run after work. By skipping brekkie you are more likely to make poor food choices as your blood sugar levels plummet. By making breakfast the night before and taking it with you to work is an easy way to get a nutritious brekkie everyday.

With diet done lets talk hydration! We need more water than we think and it is so important to stay adequately hydrated. By investing in a BPA free, metal or glass bottle and by continuously sipping throughout the day drinking 2 litres is very achievable. This will also save you money in the long run as you avoid the cost of constantly buying bottled water.

So the last point is your exercise plan. My biggest tip is to find and exercise you like. Just because your friends are into crossfit or some other fitness regime doesn’t mean it will suit you. If you like getting physical and working up a sweat how about a boxing class, BJJ or karate? If you are more endurance based but the knees are cranky when you run, check out your local cycling club. Once you enjoy it will be easy to stick with it!

As you can see your nutrition is the main factor in losing weight, a calorie deficit is key to achieving weightloss. But just remember there is no quick fix, consistent work in January and the spring will leave you strong and fitter for the fun of summer.


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